Our previously announced application release (4.3.0) has now fully rolled out and we have enabled consumption report generation for all users!
If you had already upgraded the Hypervolt application on your mobile device, and not yet seen the consumption report generation option, you may need to close and re-open the app so that the latest configuration is properly loaded.
There are some very important things to be aware of:
- In order to get accurate cost data in the report, you must have entered your tariff correctly - otherwise we will not be able to calculate your electrical cost. We are not able to edit historical tariff data, so it’s important that you keep your tariff information up to date in the app!
- If your charger is offline for significant periods of time (days) we may not be able to correctly identify all of your sessions. If this happens, the charging data will be excluded from the report.
- The report is based on the total electricity consumption through the charger; it does not currently distinguish between different power sources (e.g. grid power and solar power).
- We will only send these reports to the email address used for your account; we will not be able to send reports to any other address.
In addition to this new functionality, we’ve made some under-the-hood improvements to stability and performance, and would recommend all users upgrade to the latest version, if you’ve not already done so.
Our next upgrade will be around more robust scheduling support, especially focused on solar charging, which we’ll be looking to roll out in a similar fashion (beta and then full release) as it becomes ready. Watch this space for more details about how to participate in that beta test!
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